The Ingression of Aquarius to Pisces

At the end of Aquarius, we reach a point in the creation myth of a great rebellion. Ouranos has been overthrown after castration by Kronos, his son. Venus is birthed from the froth created of his blood hitting the salty ocean water, ushering in balance, harmony, and fairness after great struggle and oppression.

Interestingly, Venus is considered in exaltation in Pisces.

The two fish swimming in opposite directions symbolize the duality of life, and that every beginning has an ending, and every ending brings a new beginning. This season is likened to the curtain drop at the end of a play, or the movement through the darkest part of night — a gestation phase. Like going to sleep at the end of the day, this unconscious rest is like a necessary restart to our system in order to start anew.

As the last sign/house on the wheel, Pisces shows us that clinging to one or the other fish is not the way. The tighter we cling the faster we spin. The key lies in the middle, and requires letting go in order to rise above the duality of life and those two swimming fish, and be reborn. This is part of why Pisces/Neptune is associated with both addiction and transcendence. If we look to the most primitive underpinnings there’s a longing to escape or dissolve into something larger than ourselves and engulf the ego, echoing a oneness only physically possible in the womb of the mother before birth.

Pisces, the 12th house, and Neptune hold the same archetypal signature, but represent varying types of experience of that archetype. This sign also reflects the collective unconscious. It was once described as “the garbage bin of the zodiac” in an article I read years ago. However I’m here to tell you that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If any of the 3 signatures are highlighted in ones chart there exists within that individual a great sensitivity to not only the feelings of others, but also the unconscious dreams and feelings that remain unexpressed and unseen yet are eerily perceived. Likewise, this signature in a chart is also highly sensitive to being swept away by the tides and visions of the collective if the ego is not strong enough to withstand submerging. We all know what happens if one sits in water too long.

In my experience, a strong Neptunian signature such as many planets in Pisces, a packed 12th house, or Neptune strongly aspecting the angles in a chart, typically embody a peculiar sensitivity to the invisible realm of ancestors and ghosts of the past. The individual likely has a rich inner life and vivid dreams. In a world where subtle and deep inner visions are not always honored as much as extraverted symbols like football trophies and medals, they may experience difficulty in asserting themselves and their unique vision, or even wanting to wake from the dream they’ve sacrificed themselves for.

Nonetheless, the wheel keeps turning. As night fades, and dreams rise to the surface, our spirit sits itself back in our body and our eyes crack open. The light infiltrates the retina sending electrical pulses to our brain and central nervous system alerting us that it’s “Time to get up!”. Suddenly the water is drying up, our spirit is morphing into rams pose, and we’re back at the very beginning again. The actors and actresses take position in preparation for the curtain to lift, and another round on the wheel begins.

What are you dreaming of in Pisces season?



Amethyst Josephine, Mystical Hermit

Storyteller, astrologer, photographer, writer, artist, tarotist… with a profound love for, and devotion to, the Creator: God.