
Karmic Justice & Karmic Debt: A Memoir

In search of creative inspiration this morning I turned to tarot — it helps kickstart the journey inward for some digging around.

As I shuffle and the first two cards flip out, I turn them over and a voice inside says “Karmic Justice”. The cards are Justice and the Wheel of Fortune.

Bottom of the deck: the Hermit — that’s me, right now in this moment, thinking, contemplating, shedding light.

Then, I did something I usually don’t do. I start squeezing the deck between my fingers, gently grinding them together, noting how interesting it feels.

The deck splits apart in my finger tips.

I peek at the card revealed and am delighted to see the World. I have been thinking of this card, see, and it’s correlation with Saturn, the New Moon in Capricorn with stellium, the New Year, and the ending of old cycles to usher in the new.

God, I’m rambling but bear with me -

Things are changing now, shifting into place. What looked like the end was really just the beginning. Karmic debts are being cleared and the ushering of the new is being woven into a grand design that we can’t even begin to perceive just yet.

My mind drifts to the Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that was exact Christmas Day, and how its energy echoes in the recent conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell on sex trafficking charges: it’s Karmic Justice for the horrible acts committed against these children.

See, nothing goes unseen by the universe — good or bad, it knows true intentions, always. It keeps constant balance. One may be so megalomaniacal to believe they’ve gotten away with something, only to have fate reveal its weavings at the impeccable placement of a banana peel.

Did she think herself more powerful than natural law?

Did she really think she could get away with it forever?

THIS is the nature of the time: karmic debts owed and paid; Reconciliation; a rebalancing of the scales; situations set back to right; reaping what we sow, for better or worse; closing the door on the old, with our hand on the door knob of the new.

Where are the scales being balanced in your life?



Amethyst Josephine, Mystical Hermit

Storyteller, astrologer, photographer, writer, artist, tarotist… with a profound love for, and devotion to, the Creator: God.